
I’m a Computer Science student based in Thessaloniki. I spend most of my time working on various projects. Usually different ones, as I like to experiment with different technologies and ways of building software.

Some notable projects I’ve worked on include my TypeScript -> C Transpiler which I’ve written about here, and my Superoptimization Toolchain which I’ve also written about, here.

I enjoy learning about Linguistics. Particulartly Historical Linguistics, as I like to learn about how certain words came to be, and how they’ve evolved over the years.

Naturally, I also like learning languages. I’ve learned a bit of Dutch, Swedish and German. For some reason I’m drawn to Germanic languages — that’s probably because I enjoy the level of mutual intelligibility that exists among them.

I also enjoy learning about Urban and Transportation Planning, although I don’t know much about them. I enjoy looking at sustainable cities and what they’re doing right, and comparing them to my city and considering what my city could do to improve the daily lives of its citizens.

Since my field is Computer Science though, I should talk a bit about that: I’ve had a keen interest in computers from a very young age. My dad worked with electronics, so he’d use them a lot, and I’d be exposed to lots of different technologies and devices. I eventually got my first computer and within a few months, it had about a dozen viruses. Fast forward a few years later when I was about 11, I started learning Java. Two or three years later I could comfortably write production-level code in Java, and had moved on to learning Python.

I currently enjoy using Rust, Go and TypeScript — TypeScript for its type system, and Rust and Go because I enjoy the low level nature in combination with their strong developer ecosystems.